What's Happening this Summer

Yesterday, I arrived at NYU for the high school summer art intensive program that I’ll be taking for a month. I already love this program after one day of classes. I’m really looking forward to learning new techniques such as printmaking and 3D assemblage and experiencing life as an art student at the same time. Currently im working on a few paintings for competitions this fall and a logo for a newer magazine, Ink and Feather.

It's Springtime!

The year’s coming to an end and the kids have made remarkable achievements. Creating new pieces, exploring the different mediums, and finding their preferences, they’ve made so much progress in the past six months. These young students have pushed and continuously challenged themselves to create pieces beyond their capability. I really enjoy working with them and helping them through their art journey

Greeting Cards

In December I advertised handmade greeting  cards on social media, and I was contacted by Sahi Softtech Inc. requesting the holiday greeting cards to be distributed to their employees. I created several model designs, and the company chose two for the 50 watercolor cards. I was provided the personal greeting information to be handwritten in each card. The money earned from this project was added to the donation funds. Additionally, my social media advertising yielded more greeting card orders for  individuals who contacted me. My social media feed displayed 7 different designs and the clients picked whichever they wanted on the cards they purchased. Last year, I was able to add -- to our donation fund.

Feed My Starving Children

On December 9th, we took eleven of our weekly students to volunteer at Feed My Starving Children, Mesa. This nonprofit packs and ships food to countries all over the world. The students signed up for a volunteer session to pack food for Thailand. The kids  worked for two hours and had a wonderful time. We donated $50 on behalf of each students, contributing $550 from the money raised through teaching art classes.

Fall Workshop for Kerala

We had a workshop on September 9th, 2018, different from our previous ones. This 3-hour workshop was dedicated to helping a chief minister fund for Kerala, through a specific organization. Since many in our community have friends and relatives who were affected by the floods, we had a large group of  all ages attend this workshop. I gave a twenty minute instructional demonstration of the acrylic painting and for the remainder of the session, the attendees worked on their own still life painting. Throughout the session, I went around and taught more techniques and gave quick tips to everyone painting. We provide all the materials, and make sure everyone finishes their painting. At the end of the session, we offer a sharing opportunity for the artists who would like to discuss the piece. This helps them build confidence and get a chance to develop public skills.

Weekly Students

We also provide weekly classes for children and adults at an affordable price. The schedule is flexible to fit the needs of the students. Instruction is in 2D art forms and media. Art forms we teach are landscape, portrait, still life, and abstract. Media used include graphite, charcoal, chalk pastels, inks, watercolors, acrylics, oils, and mixed media.  Young students are introduced to the fundamentals of art and later select a form of painting to work on based on their interest.